venerdì 27 febbraio 2009
giovedì 26 febbraio 2009
lunedì 23 febbraio 2009
mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009
GrindHouse : Finale anempaticamente ye-ye.
Finale anempatico di "GrindHouse. A prova di morte" di Quentin Tarantino: doppia cover di April March, della canzone ye-ye "Laisse Tomber Les Filles "di France Gall (composto da Serge Gainsbourg), prima in francese , poi in inglese (Chick Habit).
Laisse tomber les filles" is a French song composed by Serge Gainsbourg and performed by France Gall in 1964. April March recorded two covers of the song in 1995: one with the original French lyrics, and another, "Chick Habit," with English lyrics written by March. The song is also covered by Fabienne Delsol on her first solo album, No Time For Sorrows (2004).
The song's lyrics describe future disenchantment predicted by one possessed of "an innocent heart" (the vocalist), which was regarded as being completely at odds with the concerns expressed lyrically by other teenagers singing at the time. The lyrical complexity of the song, particularly when considered in light of its young performer, was not universally well-received. Gilles Verland wrote regarding this situation that
Gainsbourg's lyrics obviously have nothing to do with the worldview expressed by other teenage vocalists of the time; of course their world has its charms, but it has not a single atom of depth. In the lyrics of Gainsbourg's songs in general, and Laisse tomber les filles in particular, there is a startling lucidity coupled with a refusal to be taken in by "the great farce of love", defined in terms of "never" and "always". But, with Laisse tomber les filles, we are not presented with a male narrator of thirty or thirty-five years, but rather a teenager.
France Gall's vindictive lyrics are supported by the well-known jazz band led by Gogo (the same group with whom Gainsbourg was recording at the time). The song's emphasis on brass and percussion is regarded as being integral to its success. Fondness within the English-speaking world for the "French pop sound" makes the song continue to be popular to this day.
giovedì 12 febbraio 2009
Selon moi, dans tous les cas, qu'on parle de contrepoint ou d'anempathie, il y a interdépendance (et non indépendance) de la musique et de l'image, puisqu'ils sont deux éléments du film. La notion d'"indépendance" ne peut exister dans un film; tout ce qui est dans un lieu est "dépendant" du lieu, et réciproquement.
"Anempathie" et "contrepoint" dans certains cas se confondent, et correspondent aux mêmes exemples.
Je n'utilise pas à propos de la musique au cinéma l'expression de "contrepoint" , en raison de l'ambiguité de la notion.
Dans mon livre (traduit en italien) "Un art sonore, le cinéma", j'apporte des précisions supplémentaires.Tous mes voeux à vous et à vos professeurs.Bien cordialement."
mercoledì 11 febbraio 2009
I am an Italian student. I am writing my thesis about the use of music in contrast with the image in movies.
I read your interesting books "Stanley kubrick:L'umano ne più ne meno" and "L'audiovisione, suono ed immagine nel cinema".
I am writing to you in order to solve a doubt about the meaning of "anempathic effect".
For instance, do you consider the music in "ClockWork Orange"("Singin' in the rain", "Gazza ladra..") an example of anempathic effect?
My professor states this because he considers your concept of anempathy in a wide way including not only an effect of indifference but even a contrast one.
According to this view, my professor considers Ejzenštejn "counterpoint" liken to anempathy. Vincenzo Ramaglia instead, in "Il suono e l'immagine", views the concepts of
counterpoint and anempathy as antithetical, as in the former the music depends on the image (paradoxically like empathy..), and in the latter the music is independent from the image.
I hope my question is enough clear.
I look forward to hearing your answer.
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.
Francesco Spè
martedì 10 febbraio 2009
sabato 7 febbraio 2009
"Il cinema sonoro entra nella realtà e gli Americani, mettendone a punto la tecnica, l'hanno introdotto nella sua prima fase di esistenza.
ANEMPATICAMENTE WOODY: Inconguenza esilarante.
“Take the money and run”, primo lungometraggio di Allen, è una parodia di un documentario televisivo1 che narra, con tanto di interviste fittizie, la vita di Virgil StarkWell, un imbranato ladruncolo che entra ed esce continuamente di prigione alla ricerca del colpo che gli cambi la vita ma che puntualmente fallisce.
Nella pellicola già si manifesta l'irresistibile umorismo verbale di Allen, ma al fianco di battute esilaranti - ne citiamo una esemplificativa del suo humour (“Hai mai preso una posizione politica serie nella sua vita? Certo! Da piccolo per ventiquattro ore rifiutai gli spinaci”) - anche la componente musicale contribuisce a creare ilarità.
Alternati a episodi empatici caratterizzati prevalentemente da musica Dixieland2 anni 30', solare e divertente, vi sono infatti pagine chiaramente anempatiche in cui musica coinvolgente e serrata, tipica di film di genere thriller, funge da tappeto sonoro a scene comicamente assurde: il goffo tentativo di evadere dalla prigione con una finta pistola creata con una saponetta e del lucido da scarpe e poi scioltasi con la pioggia (minuto 11); lo scippo della borsa di una vecchietta dal quale escono delle molle e una lunga catena ma nulla che assomigli ad un portafoglio(minuto 14); l'utilizzo di una improbabile telecamera da spionaggio a forma di pagnotta (minuto 54).
1 Nel gergo cinematografico si parla a riguardo di “Mockumentary”, - dalla fusione delle parole inglesi mock (finto, simulato/ironico/deridere) e documentary (documentario)-, un sorta di “falso documentario” ampiamente sfruttato dagli autori di satira ma ultimamente in voga anche nel genere horror. Lo stesso Allen realizzerà altri due film di questo tipo, Zelig (1983) e “Accordi e disaccordi”(1999).
2 Viene definito Dixieland una particolare modalità di suoanare jazz, diffusasi a New Orleans e praticata principalmente dai bianchi. La canzone Dixieland più nota è sicuramente “When the saints go marching in”-
venerdì 6 febbraio 2009
Disliking: Victim stories
Losing anonymity : People who laugh at the expense of others
Censorship : Pretty waitresses who call you “Sweetie”
Todd Solondz was born in 1959 in Newark, New Jersey, and grew up in the suburbs. As a student at NYU film school, he made several shorts, one of which in particular attracted enough attention to get him a three-picture deal with Twentieth-Century Fox.
Palindromes, Solondz’s new film, premiered in fall 2004 at the Venice International Film Festival. It was also included in the Toronto International Film Festival and the New York Film Festival. A story about a young girl who seeks to fill her emotional emptiness by becoming pregnant, Palindromes has divided festival audiences and provoked extreme responses. Critics have described it variously as “enthralling,” “tasteless and exploitative,” “a film without scruples,” “Solondz’s best film yet,” and his one film “most likely to piss people off.” Palindromes opens in U.S. theaters in April, 2005.
martedì 3 febbraio 2009
domenica 1 febbraio 2009
"Mandy" by Barry Manilow Joy arrives home in the car with Vlad. Vlad turns off the engine. /70/
"You Light Up My Life" by Anatoly Aleshin Vlad sings and plays the guitar in Joy's apartment. The music continues as they have sex. /74/
"You Light Up My Life" by Montovani The next day Joy walks to work happy and isn't phased by the protesters. (instrumental) /76/
"All Out of Love" by Air Supply Allen dances with Kristina in a bar. /94/
"All Out of Love" by Air Supply Allen gets into bed with Kristina. /108/
"Eternal Lighthouse" by Vladimir Mozenkov Joy knocks on Vlad's door and a woman answers. /110/
"Happiness" by Michael Stipe with Rain Phoenix End credits. /129/